I'd be gay with my "friend" Heather from myspace. Her picture is so hot! Not like all the other chubbies that are my readers and "friends" And judging by her picture, she's a drinker too, I bet I could feed her a few pops and then blow in her ear, it wouldn't be long before we'd be sweating it up at my place (or hers).
Not a lesbian Alisa.
Safety Information From Meta
2 years ago
Hello. This is the CEO of the Universal Karma Department. We have plans for you and your life, career and relationships. Big plans that will enrich your life. However, we are unable to move forward with these plans until you become more productive with your time and energy. Your karma bank is deep in the red and in order for you to have prosperity in the near and distant future, you need to prove to us and the world that you are capable of sharing something positive and uplifting as opposed to senseless and hurtful. My memo to you is: You will, by the laws of karma, get back three times what you give out. Karma: it's your choice. No one can curse those who God chooses to bless.
Thanks for the advice Alisa, um I mean Anonymous. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe some others should heed that advice as well because it's just as you say: you reap what you sow. And there's a particular person who has been sowing hatred and venom for a long time now. You could say this whole blog is about karma.
what did heather do to deserve that? mean. mean. mean! you are a very mean person! that poor girl, she has nothing to do with any of this. why not use this place to write about people who inspire you and would potentially inspire others? we all have people in our lives who we don't like, people who make us cringe or hurt us, but why waste our time and energy on them? why not celebrate those who we love? every time you write something mean about someone (this goes to anyone who reads this!) that is time you could have spent celebrating someone worthy, rightful and deserving. who is that anyway? who and what motivates you? if we should not like alisa, than who do you suggest? give options. give solutions. peace to you, not alisa.
Why does everyone have to take everything so seriously. It's a JOKE, get it? Don't find it funny, fine. Don't read it. I don't find a lot of people, who claim to be funny, funny. I don't waste my time with them. Thanks for the lesson in zen and karma.
As for Heather, nothing she did nothing to deserve anything. She's just hot. That's all. That's all this post was intended to communicate.
And you are free to like Alisa if you want. Don't look to me to tell you who your role models should be. Maybe you should look toward yourself instead of living vicariously through some self-important bee-otch.
And did I mention that Heather is hot?
your quote: Maybe you should look toward yourself instead of living vicariously through some self-important bee-otch.
i will, how about you?
and you are right. i'm moving on and won't let myself indulge in the occasional peek here any longer. it's pretty boring anyway.
later days! have fun with your silly blog posts!
Goofing on someone is not the same as living vicariously through someone. You're the one that asked.
See ya.
You'll be back!
I thought it was funny...but then again I have a sense of humor and can laugh at myself.
Not afraid to admit I'm not perfect or gifted and talened
Hey! I've been reading this site for weeks now, and I really thought you were above such shenanigans.
...this gets funnier everyday....
Alisa has posted similar things about herself... Of course, she's taken those past blogs down now. I recall a posting she'd made about being bi, last year or so...
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