Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Uncle Fidel!!!!!!

Girls, isn't he dreamy? I posted one of the young pictures so you can appreciate him to the maximum. Virile. Youthful. Mansize. So masculine and hairy, like my Usnavys and every bit the man I wish I could attract instead of the spineless jellyfish I always end up with, hairless types. So regardless of what the oppressive Miami Cuban party line is, and all the polite thought I must put out, in reality, I like that young, virile Fidel, not the old crumbly one, my Fidel, Fidelitos, adoritos, Doritos. Ummmm. My Uncle Fidel and now that he's resigned from dictatorship of Cuba, maybe he's available?

Fidel, Fidel, Fidel...


Anonymous said...

I think that this would have more of a impact against all the evils of the world if you actually read the real post it is suposed to be based on because the real Alisa says that she dispises Fidel Castro, so therefore you're attempt at mocking her is inacurate.

Anonymous said...

Ah, a typical Alisa reader, all full of Alisa-grade spelling skills. Listen up, champ: this is a satire. Get it? Satire. Maybe when you grow up you can look that big word up, big boy.

-Not Alisa

Anonymous said...

In your nonresponse to Drew, you defend yourself by calling this a satire, but at the top of the blog, you refer to this as a parody. So which is it? If you looked up both terms, it is apparent that this blog is actually neither although it tries to be something. Ridicule Drew's spelling all you want, but when he's done with that dictionary, you may want to borrow it.

Not a fan of Alisa or Not Alisa